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Rach & Adam Achterstraat
This year’s Walk is raising money for 50 mothers and babies at Compassion’s Child Survival Programme in Manado, Indonesia. It will also help raise awareness of why water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) matter in developing communities.
Every day 21,000 children die, most from entirely preventable causes. Around 3,000 of these die from diseases related to water and sanitation.
The Compassion’s Child Survival Programme is helping children to survive and thrive for their fifth birthday, by providing practical care, medical attention and providing spiritual and relational nourishment.
My own sponsor child, Chantika (in the photo) is part of the program in Manado - please help me to help her get to her fifth birthday!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for any contribution, great or small, that you could make!
Compassion Australia
Compassion Australia is part of a global network of both funding and 25 developing countries that is Compassion International. Together, we are a Christian child advocacy ministry that partners with local churches to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. To find out more or sponsor a child, visit www.compassion.com.au
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